Cie d’Autres Cordes
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Christophe Ruetsch

Coming from the concrete music movement, Christophe Ruetsch works with various sound materials that he uses rather like sculptures. He is particularly sensitive to the "textured" and "organic" aspect of sound.

Member of the Eole Group in Toulouse for a decade, his musical and sound work is vast, ranging from original productions for concerts (GRM - musical research group within RadioFrance, The Muse in Circuit, GMEM, Césaré ... ) to the live show (dance, theater, multidisciplinary forms ...), through sound installations and radio pieces.

In May 2008, he was invited to participate in a residence in Chernobyl. From the collection of phonographs in the contaminated area, he created Atomic Radio 137 in June 2009 for the Radiophonic Creation Workshops (France Culture), Zona in 2010 (State and GRM commission) and Atomic Radio 137 live in 2011.