Cie d’Autres Cordes
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Azusa TAKEUCHI was born in 1985 in Japan.
After obtained her diploma at the Nihon University College of Art,
she started her career in France on a scholarship of the Japanese Government Overseas
Study Program for Artists in 2008.
She worked as a dancer with choreographers such as Prue Lang, Vincent Dupont, Alain
Buffard, Mladen Materic, Robyn Orlin, Christian Rizzo, Yuta Ishikawa etc...

At the same time, she made her own choreographic work, and with her solo piece "Le blanc" 2010 and "KAMi" 2011, she was
selected as a finalist
for the Yokohama Dance Collection EX2011 in Japan, the MASDANZA16 in Canary Island, and the Toyota Choreography
Award 2012 in Japan.
She finished her training program at the CDC-Toulouse in 2012, she work as a free-lance dancer and a choreographer in